The pathetic Leftist faith in verbal magic rolls on

Don't label heroin users as 'junkies'
"People should stop calling heroin users "junkies" or "addicts", an influential think tank on drugs has said. The UK Drug Policy Commission said such names stigmatised users and made it more difficult to get off drugs.

Its report suggested that the policing of drugs on the streets and methadone programmes forcing users to go to chemists were "publicly humiliating".

Instead, the study said that British society needed to show more compassion towards drug users. Authors of the six-month report said the terms "junkie" and "addict" were distrustful and judgmental and led to feelings of low self-worth among drug users.

"The crux of this problem, I'm afraid, is the persistent view that drug addiction is the problem of the addict," he said. [It isn't??]


Drug addicts have for some time been referred to simply as "users" in professional circles -- but even that vague term has already acquired a tone of contempt.

1 comment:

  1. How is giving them a false sence of self worth going to help them change. If they feel good about being "junkies", why would they ever stop?

    Self esteem has to be real and earned otherwise it is counter productive. As a attorney I represented a lot of criminals, all of them had high self esteem, which is why they stole your car. They deserved it more than you. Often they would become violent when they came up against some one who was clearly better than them. The answered with violence because they didn't know how to deal with it in any other manner. False slef esteem had robbed them of the ability to improve themselves or how to deal with others. So they end up in prison or dead from an overdose, but at least they weren't publicly humiliated.


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