Some sexism and stereotyping is alright

Daily Mail - Women are being warned that binge-drinking will destroy their looks for good. A new poster campaign launched today on London's Underground depicts a woman with saggy skin and a blotchy nose. It carries the message: 'If you drink like a man you might end up looking like one.' The aim is to appeal to women through their vanity by showing they risk bad skin, premature ageing and weight gain if they drink excessively.
Can you even imagine the outrage if that had been the other way round, good heavens, women would have been marching in the streets and the offending bastard males would have to be tarred and feathered and spend at least 6 months in hiding from angry women. But since it's the men, no worries, just give them a few kicks, bit of a get-square anyway, they have it coming, the bastards.

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