BBC admits to being Jew-hating lying sacks of filth

Thanks to JPost - The BBC has apologized for significant errors in two recent news reports on Israel. In a news item on March 7, following the Mercaz Harav Yeshiva attack, the BBC showed a bulldozer demolishing a house, while correspondent Nick Miles told viewers: "Hours after the attack, Israeli bulldozers destroyed his family home. Later, mourners set up Hamas and Islamic Jihad banners nearby." News anchor Geeta Guru-Murthy said: "Now, we would like to clarify a report we heard at this hour last Friday about the attack by a Palestinian gunman on a Jewish seminary in Jerusalem. In the report, the day after the attack, BBC World said that the gunman's home in east Jerusalem had been demolished by the Israeli authorities. That was not correct, and the images broadcast were of another demolition."
In other words, we lied, we knew we were lying, but we didn't care, it's only Jews we're bad mouthing and lying about, so who cares. Now we're just apologizing because we've been caught telling lies and have been shamed into admitting it.
In a second incident, in a news item entitled "Israel jets strike northern Gaza" on March 14 on their News Web site, the BBC reported that Israel was deliberately targeting civilians in an operation targeting Kassam rocket launch sites in Gaza, and claiming that the United Nations secretary-general had described it as an attack on civilians. Apologizing for the error, the BBC said in its response, regarding the speech: "We accept we should have made reference to what [Ban] said about Palestinian rocket attacks as well as to the 'excessive use of force' by Israel. We have amended the report, also removing the reference to Israeli 'attacks on civilians.'"
Once again, caught telling lies and smearing Israel again, you have to understand folks, they don't tell the truth that often, so it's very hard for the BBC to know the difference anymore. They have to be constantly shamed into doing the right thing, that nest of leftist vipers. Why the British taxpayer is forced to subsidize this morally bankrupt lot is beyond me. If the funding had been pulled, they most probably crash and burn amidst all the lies and half-truths and rightly so.

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