Discrimination against Latinos

Below is an excerpt from an article that implies that the U.S. government discriminates against Hispanics in its hiring decisions. It in fact PROVES that the U.S. government discriminates against Hispanics in its hiring decisions.

"Hispanics are underrepresented at all levels of the U.S. government despite the fact that they constitute the nation's largest and most rapidly growing minority, two Latino defense groups said last week. The organizations - the National Puerto Rican Coalition and the Coalition for Fairness for Hispanics in Government - have urged federal authorities to make "great efforts" to hire more Latinos.... Hispanics, who number more than 40 million in the United States - or slightly more than 13 percent of the population - only comprise 7 percent of federal government employees, according to statistics compiled by the two coalitions.... The Post said that several official reports show that the relatively low numbers of Hispanics in federal positions is a longstanding phenomenon, despite presidential directives, job programs and recruitment drives that have sought to do more to incorporate them into the federal workforce.


But WHY does the U.S. government discriminate against Hispanics in its hiring decisions? That is rather glided over in the article. Surely the U.S. government SHOULD discriminate against job applicants who cannot speak English and who have minimal education? Or else why do so many people spend four years getting college degrees? Not all Hispancs are poorly educated and inarticulate in English but many ARE in that category. It seems to me that the above statistics show that the U.S. government is doing exactly what it should be doing in selecting government employees.

Comments? Email John Ray

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