Muslim Tolerance

While we in the West are gormlessly going about destroying every element of our cultures that Muslims might decide to cry over, the Muslim government of Azerbaijan is showing us the face of Muslim tolerance:
Having repeatedly refused to register 18-month old Luka Eyvazov's birth, because his parents gave him a Christian name, the authorities have at last given him a birth certificate, after Forum 18 News Service reported his case. Unusually, the authorities also apologised to Luka's parents "for making us wait and suffer for so long," Luka's mother Gurayat Eyvazov told Forum 18.

Without a birth certificate, Luka was not able to go to kindergarten or to school, get treatment in a hospital, or travel abroad. Luka's case was the last known case of a series of Baptist parents in the mainly-Muslim town who were refused birth certificates for their children because they had chosen Christian, not Muslim first names. However, Mrs Eyvazov said it was unclear if the next time Baptist parents try to register a child's birth with a Christian name they will face similar refusals. "Officials said nothing on this."
Those damned pushy Christians should think themselves lucky indeed. Had they been dealing with serious Muslims in the government bureaucracy, they would have had their heads lopped off.

1 comment:

  1. The time is coming when every muslim will denounce muhamed and the dirty koran. You will all be deported. Every muslon man woman and child will be sent home to a dirty arabic land where you will burn in hell for all eternity. This time is closer than you think. We are carefully planning this with US leaders. go home muslons go home


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